ISSN 1016-5169 | E-ISSN 1308-4488
Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology
A Case of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Diagnosed by Fetal Echocardiography [Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars]
Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 1997; 25(8): 503-507

A Case of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Diagnosed by Fetal Echocardiography

Ümit Bilge SAMANLI1, Talat CANTEZ2, Feriha ÖZ3, Moşe BENHABİB4

Fetal echocardiograpy can now be used to detect congenital heart disease before birth, and increased experience with the four-chamber view has led a greater number of fetuses referred to pediatric cardiologists for confirmation or exclusion of a cardiac lesion. Hypoplastic Ieft heart syndrome includes hypoplasia of the ascending aorta, aortic valve atresia or severe stenosis, a small left ventricle, and mitral atresia or stenosis. Without surgical intervention, the condition is fatal and around 95% of newborns die in the first month of life. A 23-week old fetus was referred for echocardiography with a suspicion of congenital heart disease and was diagnosed to have hypoplastic left heart disease (atretic aortic valve, small left ventricle, hypoplastic ascending aorta, mild hypoplasia of the mitral valve) and a large trabecular ventricular septal defect, Termination was undertaken at 24 weeks gestation and postmortem examination confirmed the echocardiographic findings. The details of the fetal echocardiographic and postmortem macroscopic findings are presented in this report. Since long-term results of staged palliation remain disappointing, families tend to opt for the challenging decision of terminatin the pregnancy.

How to cite this article
Ümit Bilge SAMANLI, Talat CANTEZ, Feriha ÖZ, Moşe BENHABİB. A Case of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Diagnosed by Fetal Echocardiography. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 1997; 25(8): 503-507
Manuscript Language: Turkish

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