A cohort of 173 subjects (comparising 83 women), detected to have definite or suspect coronary heart disease during a nationwide survey conducted in 1990 in a random sample of 3689 Turkish adults, was prospectively followed up with respect to mortality and development of new coronary events in the years 1993 and 1994. Information was obtained by physical examination from 43 patients in the cohort and by questionnaire from 81 patients, while 28% of patients were lost to follow-up. Nonetheless a comparison of demographic, clinical and inherent risk factors suggested that those not followed up did not represent a group with a higher risk to death or new coronary events. Patients were followed up for a mean of 39.7±5.2 months. In this period, 11 patients (8.9%) died six of whom from CHD (4.8%); two patients sustained a nonfatal myocardial infarction, two patients each of which developed unstable angina or electrocardiographic evidence of new myocardial ischemia, whereas 5 subjects (4%) underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. Annual indences per 100 patients were 1.2 new nonfatal coronary event, 2.0 new cardiovascular events, and 2.7 deaths (of which 1.5 coronary deaths). The coronary and total mortality rates as well as the overall new coronary event rate were consistent with those of larger studies.
Keywords: Epidemiology of coronary heart disease in Turkey, new coronary eventsCopyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology