Medical publications originating from Turkey in 1993 and included in the Science Citation Index (SCI) database were evaluated quantitatively. Of all 1492 Turkish scientific publications listed in the CD-ROM SCI compact disk, 627 were identified as medical which represented a rise by 14% over the preceding year. Among them 366 were articles in full text; references to these articles are appended. Significant shifts were not noted in the distribution of the various medical fields. Cardiovascular medicine exhibited a level slightly above the mean with a total of 22 full-text articles. The relative performance of medical institutions in the three-year period 1991-93 showed that Hacettepe University led by far the universities of Istanbul and Ankara. Medical faculties of the universities of Gazi, Marmara and September 9th were the notable emerging institutions. Hospitals not affiliated with universities held a share of 13% in the publications.
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