We studied 35 patients with gated SPECT imaging and echocardiography on the same day to compare the two methods in evaluation of global and regional left ventricular function. Fourteen patients had prior myocardial infarction. Echocardiographic examination of wall motion was visually scored on a 4-point scale; us ing 16 segments; corresponding 16 segments on gated SPECT were also analyzed for comparison of wall motion and systolic thickening (3=norına l , O=akinesia; and 3=normal, O=absent thickening respectively). Horizontal long axis images were taken on a video caın era and subsequently displayed on echocardiography. Planiınetric tracing was performed for all patients and ejection fraction was calculated using the S impson method. There was high segmental score agreement between gated SPECT iınaging and echocardiography for wall motion (74%, kappa=0.43, p
Manuscript Language: Turkish
Copyright © 2025 Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology